Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) was established in 1994  and it became an official association (under Dutch law) in 2004.
Pharmaceutical Care is the pharmacist's contribution to the care of individuals, in order to optimize medicines use and improve health outcomes.

Conferences Working groups

12th PCNE Working Conference 2021, Online

Partnering for better patient outcomes- challenges and opportunities

3-6 February 2021


The PCNE Working Symposium 2021 will be held totally in a virtual format, given the known circumstances, but still aims to reunite international pharmacists under the title Partnering for better patient outcomes - challenges & opportunities’.
As healthcare providers, we know how challenging it can be to offer the best support to patients for their medicine use. As researchers, we are aware that sharing knowledge and ideas among colleagues and partners is a key to success.

With 4 plenary lectures and 8 oral presentations, participants will get 360-degree views of what is being done in Europe and internationally in Pharmaceutical care. The workshops will last approximately 11 hours, spread over the congress days. This gives participants the possibilty to be really inventive to create results that can be used in their own research. One workshop is educational on designing research and addresses PhD students. Participants will have to choose one workshop for the entire symposium (no hopping).

This year, we will also introduce a new plenary in the form of a roundtable. Partners in the care chain, including a patient, a pharmacist, a family doctor, a nurse, and a leader of a pharma company, will exchange views and expectations on Shared Decision Making (SDM), conducted by a moderator. 
Although the conference will be organised via a virtual platform, participants will still be able to discuss and answer a number of questions on Pharmaceutical care, and  spend some quality time together, remotely.
We have also prepared an online Platform for the presentation of abstracts, which we hope you will find both innovative and interactive.
We are already looking forward to your participation, and to an inspiring event in a new format!

Ema Paulino (PCNE Chairperson)
Dr. Isabelle Arnet (PCNE Secretary)
and the other members of the Scientific / Organising Committe


Implementation Science

Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing, Germany               

Implementation science has been defined as ‘the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and other evidence-based practices into routine practice, and, hence, to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services. ‘ It offers a scientific approach to concrete problems in healthcare practice, in particular the poor uptake of innovations. Implementation science has become an established field of health science in the recent decade, albeit its maturation has been variable across the world.

In modern healthcare systems, effective implementation of innovations is often dependent on the functioning of a team or network of healthcare professionals. For instance, the revision of professional roles or the addition of new disciplines to a team can improve the quality and outcomes of patient care. This lecture will provide an introduction to implementation science in healthcare, and then focus on the role of teams and networks of healthcare professionals. It will use examples of studies from various countries and healthcare settings to demonstrate the issues. Finally, it will elaborate on various ways to use implementation science to improve healthcare practice.

Wensing Michel 1

Michel Wensing, Ph.D, is a scientific researcher and professor of health services research and implementation science at Heidelberg University, Germany. Since 2015, he is based in Heidelberg University Hospital, deputy head of the Department of General Practice and Health Services Research, and head of a Master of Science program for health services research.  After graduation in sociology, he focused on health services research within the medical sciences. He has an affiliation with Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, and is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Implementation Science. 


Implementation in pharmacy practice

Prof. Dr. Timothy Chen, Australia

Over the past two to three decades, health services research in the practice of pharmacy has grown rapidly. Accordingly, there has been significant curricula change in pharmacy programmes across the globe and a focus on the implementation of pharmaceutical care services by credentialed pharmacists (practice change), often in multidisciplinary teams and in a range of health care settings.

This presentation will discuss specific examples of the enablers and frameworks required for sustained professional pharmacy services implementation in primary and secondary care, pharmacy curriculum change in mental health, and interprofessional health curriculum change (eg Health Collaboration Challenge). Generating scientific evidence for the value of these services and curricula change is but one of many factors required for sustained implementation, which will be discussed in this presentation.  

Timothy Chen

Timothy F Chen is the Professor of Medication Management, School of Pharmacy, The University of Sydney, where he is Head of Pharmacy Practice and Health Services Research. Tim is internationally renowned for his research in Home Medicines Review and strategies to reduce medication-related harm. Tim has completed supervision of 19 PhDs, published >180 papers (Google Scholar H-Index 50) and 3 books, and given >70 invited presentations in 30 countries. He is President, Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section of FIP and co-chair for the next International Social Pharmacy Workshop (2022). In 2020 he was appointed to the Australian Pharmacy Council Accreditation Committee.

Click for slides of this presentation 

Danish network for community pharmacy practice in research

Dr Rikke Hansen, Denmark

Denmark has a long tradition for research in community pharmacy practice. For decades, a variety of community pharmacy projects have been run at both national and local levels. To facilitate knowledge sharing and support research in pharmacy practice, the Danish Network for Community Pharmacy Practice Research and Development was established in September 2016 as a network for Danish community pharmacies that are interested in research and development. The purpose of the network is to strengthen pharmacy practice and pharmacy practice research in Denmark by providing a forum where researchers and community pharmacies meet to share knowledge and support evidence-based practice.

In her lecture, Rikke Nørgaard Hansen will share experiences from the Danish Network for Community Pharmacy Practice Research and Development, including the description and organisation of the network and opportunities for community pharmacists and researchers and for research and development of community pharmacy practice.


Rikke Nørgaard Hansen is Head of Research and Development at Pharmakon, the Danish College of Pharmacy Practice. She is a pharmacist with a master’s degree in clinical pharmacy. Since 2017, she has been responsible for research projects and developing services in community pharmacy practice at Pharmakon. Before that, Rikke Nørgaard Hansen worked at a community pharmacy and at a hospital pharmacy, where she was a clinical pharmacist before becoming part of the pharmacy management and responsible for the development of pharmaceutical services.

Click for slides of this presentation 

Blended care: the future of pharmaceutical services

Dr Claudia Rijken, the Netherlands

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly infusing and most often enhancing primary workprocesses, in healthcare in general but also pharmacy. AI needs to be fed adequate data, in order to gain intelligence. In our pharmaceutical environment, our patients deliver these data in a growing amount. Personal health application data, digital biomarker data (from for example wearables, health apps and digital therepeutics) and connected data from the surrounding ecosystem that say something about the wellbeing of the patient. The convergence of these data into smart systems like decision tools, chatbots and virtual assistants, lead to new digital services that pharmacists can use to give personalized advice to patients. That enhanced care we call blended care: digital where possible, human where needed. Blended care, the future of pharmacy... but only then used with the right ethical, compliance and educational framework.

Claudia Rijken
Claudia Rijken, PhD, has an educational background as a pharmacist and has a PhD in Pharmacoepidemiology. She started her career as a community pharmacist, after which she worked in industry in different roles in clinical research/operations, market access & digital innovation at Organon and Novartis.

She was lead-author of the book "Pharmaceutical Care in Digital Revolution" (Elsevier, 2019). Claudia is currently lecturer on Digital Pharmaceutical Care at the University of Utrecht and founder/CEO of Pharmi, a start-up focused on developing a digital human pharmacist to enhance the future of blended care.







Renowned researchers offer 11 hours of workshops during the conference. Various working methods are applied including presentations, discussing evidence from literature, exchanges in small groups and the plenary, and preparatory reading work prior to the workshop. All insights will be summarized, and participants will report on the urgency, barriers, facilitators, preconditions, and recommendations for implementation of pharmaceutical care and in daily pharmacy practice.

In the registration form, you will be asked to choose your first and second choice for the workshop. Participants will be allocated on a "first come, first served" basis. We will let you know as soon as possible whether you have been allocated to your forst or second choice workshop.


Participants can choose one of the workshops on the following topics: 

◊ WS1. Communication skills with patients & Motivational Interviewing (Associate Prof. Susanne Kaae, Dr. Noortje Vriends)

susanne  Noortje

The goal of the workshop is to present and train central issues when communicating as a pharmacist with patients, including the technique of Motivational Interviewing, and further to discuss how these central communication aspects can be translated into daily practice and research.

Workshop Report


◊ WS2. Adherence questionnaire for pharmacy practice (Dr. Christiane Eickhoff, Dr. Isabelle Arnet)

 Christiane  Isabelle.JPG

Medication non-adherence is a global problem and subject of thousands of publications. For practicality reasons, questionnaires are widely used to assess (non)-adherence but every available instrument has shortcomings. During a workshop at the PCNE conference 2020, we extracted items from published questionnaires to describe non-adherence in different domains. It was agreed that we need a new tool to identify (non-)adherence problems in ambulatory patients. Based on the 2020 results, we set up a DELPHI that was disseminated in summer 2020 to the workshop participants and experts worldwide.

The aim of our workshop in 2021 will be to move forward developing this new tool. We will discuss the results of the first round of the DELPHI taking into account the current state of research and our own expertise. Join us and become part of this exciting process!

Workshop Report


◊ WS3. Implementation of pharmaceutical services (Prof. Timothy Chen, Dr. Joanna Moullin, Ms. Ema Paulino)

Timothy Chen  JMoullin Photo2  (613x800)  Captura de ecrã 2020 11 14, às 20.09.12

Rapid roll-out of a vaccination programme by community pharmacy during a pandemic: an implementation science case study

Implementation science is a research discipline which investigates the influences and processes required to introduce and integrate new innovations into practice. This workshop will use the principles of implementation science to inform a model for the rapid roll-out of a (scalable) community pharmacy vaccination programme, a potential solution for when a COVID-19 vaccine(s) becomes available. It will build on the expanding scope of practice for pharmacists in providing vaccination services. Barriers and facilitators to service implementation from different stakeholder perspectives will be considered at macro, meso and micro levels. This workshop will draw on the collective experience of participants to develop the model. The workshop will involve a combination of brainstorming activities, short formal presentations, focussed team-based activities and discussion, amongst other techniques.  A consensus method such as nominal group technique will be used to synthesise discussion and findings. Participants will have access to a shared toolbox of selected online resources. There is a plan to write a scientific manuscript based on the findings of this workshop. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • At the conclusion of this workshop participants will: 
  • Understand and describe implementation science principles
  • Understand barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a vaccination service in community pharmacy practice, from different stakeholder perspectives and at different levels
  • Gain experience in the use of a consensus methodology 

Workshop Report


◊ WS4. Professional feedback to PhDs (Prof. Mitja Kos, Dr. Nejc Horvat)

Mitja   Nejc Horvat.jpeg

The aim of this workshop is to get a qualified and peer-reviewed feedback on your own pharmaceutical care research project in order to advance the quality of reserach design. Participants will present their research designs of current and/or past research projects. In-depth discussion will be stimulated in order to get relevant feedback from the group as well as workshop leaders. Experiences from the past research involvements will be used to understand the advantages and disadvantages as well as the feasibility of possible methodological approaches. Based on the qualified and peer-reviewed feedback, participants will aim to advance their research project designs.

Workshop Report


WS5. Digital health and Pharmaceutical care (Dr. Jamie Wilkinson, Dr. Jacqueline Hugtenburg)

Jamie Wilkinson  Jacqueline Hugtenburg

Digital health, which includes digital care programs, is the convergence of digital technologies with health,  healthcare, healthy lifestyles, and within the broader society. With the rise of digital health technologies come opportunities to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery by making medicine more personalized and precise. The discipline involves the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) to support addressing health problems and the challenges faced by people undergoing treatment. This includes telemedicineweb-based analysis, email, mobile devices and applications, text messages, wearable devices and clinic or remote monitoring sensors. Digital health systems can also be used to aid healthcare professionals and their patients to manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing. Furthermore, digital health technologies have increasingly become important in the daily practice of providing pharmaceutical care. COVID-19, and in particular social distancing, have accelerated the implementation of digital health across Europe and globally.

During the workshop, participants will be asked to reflect on how the recent increased use and reliance on digital technologies has impacted on pharmaceutical care across Europe. For example, how has the recent increased use of digital health technologies facilitated improvements in pharmaceutical care? How have they hindered them? What barriers to the use of digital technologies for pharmaceutical care have been overcome due to the changes triggered by COVID? What further changes are needed to fully realize the potential of digitized pharmaceutical care in practice? We will update recommendations for the use of digital health technologies in pharmaceutical care. Community as well as hospital pharmacists, researchers, policy makers, and those involved in the provision of pharmaceutical care services are invited to participate in this workshop. We will build upon previous work performed at PCNE working conferences.

Aims and learning objectives

  • Get acquainted with definitions and forms of digital health and its (current and potential) use in pharmaceutical care.
  • Discuss impact on patients, healthcare providers and society.
  • Discuss issues related to privacy regarding digital health.
  • Discuss the barriers and success factors, including the effects of COVID-19, and preconditions for implementation of digital health in pharmaceutical care.
  • Update the guideline/policy document to guide PCNE in digital health in the pharmacy.

Workshop Report

Short Report

Dowload a paper version of the program here


Programme Wednesday 3rd February 2021


Basel Sydney  
09.00-09.30 19.00-19.30 Opening with welcome & announcements
09.30-10.30 Plenary 1  19.30-20.30 Michel Wensing: Implementation science
10.30-11.00 20.30-21.00 Break
11.00-13.00 21.00-23.00 Workshops
13.00-14.00 23.00-24.00 Lunch / Break
14.00-15.00 24.00-01.00 Oral Communications 1-4
15.00-16.30 01.00-02.30 Poster walk 1h + 30 min free viewing
17.00-18.00 03.00-04.00 Welcome ceremony with city officials


 Programme Thursday 4th February 2021

Basel Sydney  
09.00-10.00 Plenary 2 19.00-20.00  
Tim Chen: Implementation in pharmacy
10.00-10.30 20.00-20.30  Break
10.30-12.30       20.30-22.30
12.30-14.00 22.30-24.00 Lunch and speed dating with mentors
14.00-15.00 24.00-01.00
Roundtable 'Shared Decision Making'
15.00-17.00 01.00-03.00
17.00-17.30 03.00-03.30 Break
17.30-20.00 03.30-06.00 PCNE General Assembly (members only)


Programme Friday 5th February 2021

Basel Sydney  
09.00-11.00  19.00-21.00  
11.00-11.30 21.00-21.30  Break
11.30-13.30        21.30-23.30 
13.30-15.00 23.30-01.00 Lunch or PCNE Soapbox (members only)
15.00-16.00 Plenary 3 01.00-02.00
Rikke Hansen: Danish network community pharmacy research
16.00-16.30 02.00-02.30 Break
16.30-17.30 02.30-03.30 Oral Communications 5-8
17.30-19.00 03.30-05.00 Poster Walk 1h + 30 min free viewing
19.30-21.00 05.30-07.00 PCNE Social Event (registration needed)


Programme Saturday 6th February 2021

Basel Sydney  
09.00-10.00 19.00-20.00 Workshops
10.00-11.00 Plenary 4 20.00-21.00 Claudia Rijken: Digital pharmacy
11.00-11.30 21.00-21.30 Break
11.30-13.30 21.30-23.00 Reports, Awards & Closing
13.30-14.00 23.00-24.00 Lunch/Dinner and bye bye



Accepted abstracts related to one of the Symposium themes or other pharmaceutical care related topics will be presented as a short oral communication or poster. Poster sessions will be organised online through a dedicated platform enabling to present (author) and question (participant) simultaneously. The award for the best oral communication is sponsored by Förderinitiative Pharmazeutische BetreuungThe poster award is sponsored by KNMP, Royal Dutch Association for the Advancement of Pharmacy.

The Oral Communication Award of the Förderinitiative Pharmazeutische Betreuung was won by Claire Visser from Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands, with her presentation about 'Development and validation of the Respiratory Adherence Care Enhancement (RACE) questionnaire, facilitating personalised pharmaceutical care of asthma patients with inhaled corticosteroids'.

The KNMP Poster Award was won by Rineke Gordijn from the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands, with her poster 'A qualitative study on consultations for non-prescription sildenafil in Northern Ireland'.

The organising committee wishes to thank all members who contributed to the review of the abstracts.

List of accepted abstracts (click on the title to see the abstract)

ID Title Scope Organization
413 Creating the universal version of an specific medication adherence questionnaire: The MUAH-16u Adherence University of Coimbra
425 Patients’ barriers, facilitators and needs on implementing a newly prescribed cardiovascular drug in their daily routine. Adherence Utrecht University
436 How to communicate patient electronic adherence data to physicians? – Development of a one-page reporting form through experts’ consensus Adherence Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
438 Individual oral vitamin D loading regimen for optimal serum values Adherence Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel
440 Beliefs about medicines and medication adherence in patients with hypertension Adherence University of Ljubljana, Faculty of pharmacy, Department for social pharmacy
442 Development and validation of the Respiratory Adherence Care Enhancement (RACE) questionnaire, facilitating personalised pharmaceutical care of asthma patients with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) Adherence Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Centre, 2333 ZA Leiden, The Netherlands
464 Medication Adherence among Adolescents and Young Adults living with Affective Disorder: a Qualitative Study in Russia and Denmark Adherence University of Copenhagen
481 The app 'Robin' including virtual assistance and a reminder function improves medication adherence in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Adherence Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Loc. VUMC
484 Classifying determinants of non-adherence in oncology breast cancer patients in Portugal according to the ABC taxonomy for medication adherence Adherence Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Portugal
486 New medicine service: tackling nonadherence at the beginning of the treatment journey Adherence Ezfy
410 Pharmacy technicians contribute to counselling and handling drug-related problems at community pharmacies Drug-related problems Pharmakon, Danish College of Pharmacy Practice
429 Drug-related problems associated with the use of analgesics among the Polish elderly – a preliminary study Drug-related problems Medical University of Warsaw
441 Evaluation and pharmacoeconomic study of the pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) classification system in drug-related problems in patients with acute coronary syndrome without stent implantatio Drug-related problems Pharmacy Department, Inner Mongolia Bayannaoer City Hospital
443 Thromboprophylaxis for patients with atrial fibrillation: A systematic review of strategies to improve guideline adherence in primary care Drug-related problems University of Western Australia
444 Non-adherence to thromboprophylaxis guidelines in atrial fibrillation: A narrative review of the extent and factors for guideline non-adherence Drug-related problems University of Western Australia
450 The PCNE drug-related problem classification V 9.0: translation and validation by Serbian pharmacists Drug-related problems University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy
459 Anticholinergic and sedative drug burden in elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases Drug-related problems University of Belgrade-Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade, Serbia
469 Use of PCNE classification of drug-related problems for documentation and analysis of Medication Use Review service in Estonia Drug-related problems University of Tartu
472 Comparing EU (7) -PIM list, Beers criteria and STOPP criteria for identification of PIM in a hospitalized older adults sample Drug-related problems Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBER en Epidemiología y Salud Pública-CIBERESP)
474 Towards safe medication use of geriatric patients: a novel combined tool for identification of potential drug related problems Drug-related problems University of Tartu
449 Clinical medication review using patient questionnaires and expert teams (Opti-Med) through Pharmacotherapeutic Audit Meeting facilitates implementation. Medication review Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Loc. VUMC
468 Exploring the possibilities of implementing the Medication Use Review service in Eastern Europe and Iran Medication review Riga Stradins University
475 Patients’ perception of an interdisciplinary medication management service Medication review ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists
476 Does Medicines Use Review influences medicine- associated burden? Medication review University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ljubljana, Slovenia
415 SIck Day Rule Implementation to prevent acute Kidney injury in community-dwelling patients: identifying patient’s and informal caretakers needs Partnering for better health Utrecht University
417 Drug-related problems in the emergency department -important information or cumbersome time consumption Partnering for better health Diakonhjemmet Hospital Pharmacy, Oslo, Norway
418 Development of a Community Pharmacy Care Programme for People with Type 2 Diabetes in Lagos, Nigeria, using the Medical Research Council Framework Partnering for better health Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, School of Health Sciences, the University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
451 Pharmacists’ and physicians’ attitudes about collaborative practice: challenges and opportunities for improving health outcomes in patients Partnering for better health University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy
456 Multidisciplinary coordination and home pharmaceutical care for homeless users during a state of Covid 19 alarm. Partnering for better health Head of Business for social and labor incorporation in addictions of the Seville City Council.
458 Pharmaceutical Care: Response of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Pharmacy to the state of alarm due to the health crisis due to COVID-19 Partnering for better health SEFAC
465 Utilising community pharmacists for optimising opioid therapy in people with chronic pain; challenges and opportunities using the Social Ecological Model Partnering for better health Division of Pharmacy Practice and Policy, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham
470 The profession of pharmacists and 3D-printing of medicine in pharmacies Partnering for better health Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen
473 The role of community pharmacies in disease prevention with focus on flu and COVID-19 vaccination from the patient's perspective Partnering for better health University of Tartu
482 Potential of digital tools to assist medication management in mental health: a review of e-tools used in dementia Partnering for better health Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz (CiiEM), Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz
412 Fall prevention and deprescribing of fall risk-increasing drugs: the community pharmacists’ perspective Pharmaceutical care (general) Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology, Utrecht University. The Netherlands
421 Complementary and Alternative Medicine use in patients with breast cancer: Communication with healthcare professionals Pharmaceutical care (general) Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, KU Leuven
422 Evaluation of information leaflets on oral anticancer drugs: meeting the needs of patients across the health literacy spectrum? Pharmaceutical care (general) Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, KU Leuven
430 On mastering over-the-counter medications: A structured counseling approach for educating pharmacy experiential students while empowering lay consumers Pharmaceutical care (general) School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan
435 Development of clinical pharmacy services in Denmark from 2008 to 2019 Pharmaceutical care (general) Amgros, Denmark
437 A qualitative study on consultations for non-prescription sildenafil in Northern Ireland Pharmaceutical care (general) Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
439 Systematic review and categorisation of outcomes for the development of a core outcome set for intervention studies aiming to optimise the medication use of patients after hospital discharge Pharmaceutical care (general) 5Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy, KU Leuven
445 Pharmacists approach to demonstrating inhalation technique to patients in Poland Pharmaceutical care (general) Medical University of Warsaw
447 Community Pharmacy Intervention in Health Promotion: Glycemia Assessment in an Open Screening for the Population Pharmaceutical care (general) Farmácia de Carcavelos
448 Community Pharmacy Intervention in the Evaluation and Prevention of Hypertension and in the Identification of Hypertensive Patients Pharmaceutical care (general) Farmácia Vitória
462 Are pharmacists from community pharmacies ready to tele-counselling the patient with vulvovaginal infection? Pharmaceutical care (general) Department of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
463 Anxiolytics, antidepressants, sedatives and hypnotics prescription during the Covid-19 pandemic: the Portuguese case Pharmaceutical care (general) iBiMED – Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
477 Describing clinical pharmacy education and practice in Europe Pharmaceutical care (general) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon
479 Improving quality of care in Belgium: exploration of opportunities and bariers Pharmaceutical care (general) KU Leuven
480 A countrywide study in Portugal addressing antibiotic prescription during the Covid-19 pandemic Pharmaceutical care (general) iBiMED - Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
483 Fast-Track to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) diagnosis: a multidisciplinary approach to increase awareness and screening through community pharmacies Pharmaceutical care (general) Ezfy
414 fokus°PDCA: Development of an implementation tool for professional pharmacy services Pharmaceutical care implementation research Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, University of Basel
416 Literature Review: Patients’ and doctors’ experiences with Medication Reviews in Community Pharmacies – an application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Pharmaceutical care implementation research Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
419 Clinical decision support systems in community pharmacies: an evaluation of the effectiveness in Belgian practice Pharmaceutical care implementation research KU Leuven
423 Organization’s barriers and needs to successfully implement an effective pharmacy-led adherence-enhancing program at the initiation of therapy. Pharmaceutical care implementation research Zorggroep Almere
424 Exploring the feasibility and acceptance of mystery visits followed by personalized feedback as educational intervention for community pharmacists Pharmaceutical care implementation research Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy, KU Leuven
431 Development of a remote pharmaceutical care model for cancer medicines optimisation Pharmaceutical care implementation research Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon
432 Methods to evaluate the implementation of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system Pharmaceutical care implementation research Heidelberg University Hospital, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Cooperation Unit Clinical Pharmacy, Heidelberg, Germany
434 Clinical decision support systems: a systematic review of implementation in community pharmacies Pharmaceutical care implementation research KU Leuven, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
455 Interdisciplinary team’s perceptions towards the adoption of a care pathway for patients treated with oral anticancer drugs Pharmaceutical care implementation research KU Leuven
457 The complexity of co-designing and implementing a transmural care pathway for patients treated with oral anticancer drugs: a qualitative investigation of influencing factors in hospital staff Pharmaceutical care implementation research UGent
467 Evaluation of the medication policy during and after a stay in Covid transitional care centers in Flanders. Pharmaceutical care implementation research KU Leuven
471 Effectiveness of clinical decision support systems for managing drug therapy: a systematic review within the scope of a clinical evaluation of a medical device Pharmaceutical care implementation research Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry – Clinical Pharmacy, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Münster, Germany
420 Patient preferences for treatment decisions in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) treatment: results of the PARTNER-project Shared decision-making KU Leuven
426 Nurses’ perspectives on resident and family carer involvement in the medicines’ pathway and medication-related decision-making Shared decision-making KULeuven
427 Person-centered care in nursing homes: resident and family carer involvement in the medicines pathway and medication-related decision-making Shared decision-making KULeuven
428 Understanding the patient perspective on medicines use for better healthcare – online courses for healthcare professionals Shared decision-making University of Copenhagen
433 Perception of the benefits of an automated and personalized complexity analysis by general practitioners and patients Shared decision-making Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
466 Coordination - a key issue in reorienting the role of the pharmacist in health care. Shared decision-making Fundación Pharmaceutical Care España


The PCNE Conference will take place fully online.

You will receive links to events after registration.


For all information, please contact the PCNE office at