Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) was established in 1994  and it became an official association (under Dutch law) in 2004.
Pharmaceutical Care is the pharmacist's contribution to the care of individuals, in order to optimize medicines use and improve health outcomes.

Conferences Working groups

13th Working Conference 2023, Hillerod, Denmark

Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice

8-11th February 2023

PharmakonThe PCNE 13th Working Conference will take place in Hillerod, Denmark 8th - 11th of February 2023. Virtual participation is also an option for parts of the conference

The conference will be held at the Pharmakon Hotel and Conference Center, Hillerød, Denmark 

Address: Pharmakon Conference center, Milnersvej 42, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark

Travel advice

Taxi from Copenhagen airport: approx €160 one way (travel time approx one hour)

Public transport: approx £14 each way (travel time approx one hour)

Journey planner in English:!P|TP!histId|0!histKey|H314381

You start at Copenhagen airport (CPH airport)  going to Hillerød station (Hillerød St.). You change once and in general public transport is reliable. From Hillerod you either take a taxi (€10-15) or walk the remaining 1.2 km (click for a detailed map)


With the theme Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice, the strong connection between research and practice will be demonstrated with talks about the development of pharmacy practice and how pharmacy practice keeps developing in supporting patients, improving the use of medicine, communicating with patients etc.

The conference will offer

  • 5 workshops with 12 hours of intensive learning 
  • Foppe van Mill Memorial Lecture (hybrid)
  • 3 keynote lectures (hybrid)
  • 8 short oral presentations (hybrid)
  • Poster session (virtual access to all posters)

The workshops

  1. Working with pharmacy communication research
  2. How to upgrade the quality of my pharmaceutical care research design (educational workshop) 
  3. Pharmacist prescribing in Europe: are we ready?
  4. Medication adherence - Developing a multicentric study in community pharmacy aiming at investigating adherence to polypharmacy with a new self-report questionnaire
  5. Evaluation of quality indicators for measuring the quality of pharmaceutical care

Danish day (Friday 10th of February 2023)

The Danish Day is a fantastic possibility for Danish pharmacists and pharmaconomists to get an insight into the current and vibrant research in pharmaceutical care. The Danish Day is planned so participants both have their own workshop as well as being part of the PCNE 13th working Conference at Pharmakon. Participants in the Danish day are encouraged to bring a poster in English describing some research-related activities they are engaged in. The posters will be announced as part of the poster session. If bringing a poster, please send a message to – before 1st of February 2023.

Social event

For all participants interested, a social event will be held Friday 10th February in the evening at Phamakon - a perfect occasion to unite or reunite with the PCNE family.

PCNE General Assembly

The PCNE General Assembly will be held as hybrid for members of PCNE on Thursday 9th February at 17:30h.



 Sponsor for Danish Day

Danish association of Pharmacists

 Pharamadanmark 2020

 Sponsor for Danish Day

Danish Association of Pharmaconomists

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Prize for best oral presentation

The Funding Initiative Pharmaceutical Care eV

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Welcome event

The Association of Danish Pharmacies

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Foppe van Mil Memorial Lecture: 

Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice – the Danish case

For the second time the Foppe van Mil Memorial Lecture, dedicated to the memory of our colleague and friend, whose lifelong dedication on fostering pharmaceutical care research will be held. 

Birthe Søndergaard

Director of Healthcare, the Danish Pharmaceutical Association, Denmark


 birthe soendergaard 2020

Keynote Lecture 02: 

Mentalizing – a promising way to patient-centered communication in community pharmacy?

Christina Fogtmann Fosgerau, Denmark

Associate Professor in the Psychology of Language, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen


 Christina Fogtmann

Keynote Lecture 03: 

Moral development from pharmacy student to established practitioner: How do we support tomorrow's pharmacists?

Waseeat Kareem-Alliu, United Kingdom

University of Hertfordshire

This presentation will explore the progression of moral reasoning of a single cohort of students, who commenced the MPharm programme in 2008 in each year of study at the University of Hertfordshire, once after passing the General Pharmaceutical Council pharmacist registration exam (as Newly Qualified pharmacists) and a final time 5 years after they qualified (as matured Established Practitioners). The presentation will highlight factors affecting moral development in practice and recommendations the extent to which learnings from these experiences can be leveraged and included as part of the training of undergraduate pharmacists.


       Waseeat Kareem Alliu

Keynote Lecture 04: 

Sustainable Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care: two sides of the same coin

Professor Michael Müller

Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry 



Workshop 1:

Working with pharmacy communication research

Workshop report

ModeratorsSus WS

Prof. Susanne Kaae, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Karin Svensberg, University of Uppsala, Sweden

Have a look at a short presentation of the content and of what you can expect:

This workshop is for participants who are interested in developing their skills in conducting research in pharmacy communication. This can be communication in a hospital setting, in community pharmacy, in a nursing home, in the GP practice etc., and between different actors. During the workshop we will develop real communication projects that participants can take part in after the conference.

The workshop will be based on the current research interests of the participants in which communication plays a key role. Participants will beforehand be asked to think about ideas for a specific communication project, and we will depending on the number of participants and project ideas, select a number of projects to work on.

During the workshop, participants will then work on specifying the setting and background of the selected projects and develop a visual hands-on research protocol. The protocol will focus on the elements of: research questions, study design, setting and participants; and methods for data collection (e.g. survey, observation sheets and/ or interview guide).

The workshop will include short presentations from workshop leaders on each central element e.g. defining your research questions and commonly used methods in pharmacy communication research. The participants will then collaborate using visual tools to develop the protocols for each element and establish working relations to carry out the projects. As part of this work, we will try out some of the qualitative methods in pharmacy communication research. 


Workshop 2;

How to upgrade the quality of my pharmaceutical care research design (educational workshop) 

Workshop report


Dr. Charlotte Rossing, Pharmakon, Hillerod, Denmark

Prof. Mitja Kos, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Have a look at a short presentation of the content and of what you can expect from this workshop:

Introduction (why this workshop): PCNE has tried, at that last conferences, to establish mentoring and network among the new commers at PCNE. In this workshop we will support this by facilitating professional networks, due
to common interests in research projects and ore methodology. Through the workshop the
participants will gain insights into other fellow researchers projects – and with their experience’s
both give and get constructive feedback.

Aim: To get a qualified and peer-reviewed feedback on your own pharmaceutical care research project
in order to advance the quality of research design.
Learning objectives:
- To understand methodological approaches in pharmaceutical care research.
- To advance your own research design.

Activities in the workshop: Participants will present their research designs of their current and/or past research projects. In-depth discussion will be stimulated in order to get a relevant feedback from the group as well as
workshop-leaders. Experiences from the past research involvements will be used to understand
the advantages and disadvantages as well as the feasibility of possible methodological
approaches. Based on the qualified and peer-reviewed feedback the participants will aim to
advance their research project designs. 


Workshop 3:

Pharmacist prescribing in Europe: are we ready?

Workshop report

Moderators Sofia group etc

Dr. Thomas Kempen, Nivel, NL and Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. Liset van Dijk, Nivel and University of Groningen, Netherlands

Background: Many health systems worldwide face shortages of medical doctors and nurses, and there is major pressure on the accessibility to appropriate pharmacotherapy and high-quality care. Some countries, such as Canada, the UK and the USA, have implemented prescribing rights for pharmacists in the past years. Providing prescribing rights to pharmacists has been supported as a means of benefiting patient care by the effective use of healthcare professionals' skills, improving patient access to timely care, and enhancing multiprofessional collaboration. Different models of pharmacist prescribing (e.g., independent, supportive, or collaborative) currently exist. Apart from the UK, pharmacist prescribing does not formally exist in Europe, even though pharmacists in different countries and settings have become more actively involved in pharmacotherapy through collaboration with medical doctors (e.g., renewal of prescriptions by pharmacists is allowed in some cases). It is unclear what pharmacists in Europe think of potential pharmacist prescribing in their countries and settings, and what possibilities and challenges they see to introduce prescribing rights for pharmacists. Aim: The aim of this workshop is to present recent literature on pharmacist prescribing, to discuss pharmacist prescribing from the participants’ perspectives, and to introduce a possible European survey on the views of pharmacists on prescribing rights for pharmacists.

Workshop content: In this workshop we will introduce pharmacist prescribing, based on current literature about the status and evidence of, and experiences with pharmacist prescribing, worldwide. Participants will then discuss and reflect upon the situation in their own countries and contexts. Are they aware of any national or local initiatives? To what extent are they already involved in medication prescribing? Should prescribing rights for pharmacists be introduced, extended, or further implemented in their country? What conditions should be met before prescribing rights should be introduced? We will continue by introducing results from a pilot survey conducted in Sweden on the views of pharmacists on prescribing rights for pharmacists. Participants will first be asked to individually complete the survey. Thereafter, the questions and results of the survey will be discussed, including a potential European study based on the pilot survey.

Learning objectives: As a participant you will:- understand the concept of pharmacist prescribing, and the status and models of pharmacist prescribing in several countries worldwide;- get insight into the perspectives of other European pharmacists on the potential introduction/extension of pharmacist prescribing;- reflect upon potential pharmacist prescribing in your own country/context;- get a basic understanding of and be involved in the development of a survey on pharmacist prescribing.


Workshop 4:

Medication adherence - Developing a multicentric study in community pharmacy aiming at investigating adherence to polypharmacy with a new self-report questionnaire

Workshop report


Dr Isabelle Arnet, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Dr Christiane Eickhoff, ABDA, Berlin, Germany
Fine Dietrich, cand PhD, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Description of the WS content: During the past 2 years, a novel 15-items questionnaire to assess modifiable barriers to medication adherence in ambulatory patients has been developed and validated. Translation in several languages is being performed with a standardized procedure following a “preferred method for translation”. Time has now come to use the 15-STARS questionnaire in pharmacy practice. This workshop aims at (i) defining the scope of application of the 15-STARS; (ii) determining a research question on adherence to polypharmacy in community pharmacies that is shared in several European countries; (iii) developing an appropriate study design to answer the research question; (iv) exploring strategies to recruit participants to studies in community pharmacies.
To reach these objectives, the workshop will be organised in two parts: A) regarding the study design (3 sessions of 2-3 hours); B) regarding the recruitment strategies (1 session of 2-3 hours).

What can participants expect from the WS? Participants will refresh their knowledge about medication adherence and self-report questionnaires; will share knowledge about the development of a multicentric research study including primary endpoints and statistical analysis; will discuss requirements of ethic committees in several European countries; will get aware of difficulties to recruit ambulatory patients for research and how to overcome these. Participants interested in running the study in their countries will obtain main elements for a study proposal.

Who can participate to the WS? Participants from all levels of expertise can join the WS, from PhD students to experts in performing research studies and from all nations. Specific preliminary knowledge is not mandatory. Participation to former workshops on medication adherence in 2020 and 2021 is not mandatory.


Workshop 5:

Evaluation of quality indicators for measuring quality of pharmaceutical care

Workshop report

ModeratorsWorkshop photos kenji

Dr. Kenji Fujita, The University of Sydney, Kolling Institute, Australia

Associate Professor Kjell H Halvorsen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

Associate Professor Martina Teichert, Leiden University, Netherlands

Description of the WS content:

Measuring quality of care is vital for different stakeholders within healthcare systems. Quality indicators (QIs) for pharmaceutical care are validated measurement tools to monitor structures, processes or outcomes in the context of care provided by pharmacists. Because the validity and reliability of QIs are crucial for QIs being useful in pharmacy practice, multiple measurement properties have been proposed for the evaluation of quality of QIs. The choice of measurement properties mainly depends on the intended use of the QIs. Pharmacists and pharmacy practice researchers need to be equipped with knowledge and insight into measurement properties to be able to develop and select QIs for their intended use and to interpret pharmacy scores on QIs,

In addition, Maturity Matrixes have been developed for primary care practices to show growth in organisational development to warrant the quality of care desired. The growth steps within the Maturity Matrix domains indicate for an organisational domain in the development and suggest consecutive steps in quality improvement. Possibly QIs developed as growths steps can support pharmacy teams in the implementation of guidelines.

Learning objectives

After this workshop participants will be able to:

1. explain measurement properties of QIs

2. evaluate a QI dataset for different stakeholders' intended use of QIs

3. assess organisational readiness by QI scores as Maturity Matrix growth steps

Short lectures

1. How to measure quality of care using QIs?

2. How to evaluate measurement properties of QIs (e.g. validity, feasibility, applicability and reliability)?

3. How to assess organisational growth in pharmacy teams with a Maturity Matrix


During this workshop participants will:

1. discuss barriers and facilitators for improving each measurement properties of QIs.

2. analyse and interpret QI dataset to evaluate which facilities have the highest/lowest care quality in accordance with the different stakeholders' intended use of QIs.

3. explore how growth steps within organisational readiness can improve QI scores.

Targeted workshop participants

Anyone, including higher degree research students, who are interested in measuring and improving quality of care can join in this workshop. During the workshop, participants will be provided with pre-analysed QI scores as well as raw QI dataset as an excel file. Therefore, entry level of excel skills (e.g. create a line graph) may be useful but not prerequisite.



Submission of abstracts is now closed

Abstracts must preferably liaise with the themes of PCNE or the Symposium: Research in Pharmaceutical Care, Drug-related Problems, Medication Review, Adherence, or Indicators and Guidelines.

For submission of abstracts the following sections are needed: Background, Purpose, Method, Findings, and Conclusion.

Please respect the maximum length of 400 word

  • The abstracts with the highest quality as per the evaluation of the Scientific Committee will be selected to be presented at the Oral Communications session with an award for the best oral communication sponsored by FI (Förderinitiative Pharmazeutische Betreuung; 

FI Logo2011 RGB

  • The other abstracts will be organized in groups and presented as posters. The best poster will be awarded the PCNE Best Poster Award sponsored by the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association (KMNP).


List of accepted abstracts (click on the title to see the abstract)

ID Title Scope Organization
576 Medication adherence assessment in patients with rare diseases – a scoping review Adherence Faculty of Pharmacy, MU-Sofia
602 Implementing adherence interventions in real world settings requires use of multiple implementation strategies: worskhop with interventionists Adherence Nivel / University of Groningen
614 Effect of an intake aid with reminder function on timing adherence to DOAC in stroke patients – a randomised cross-over trial Adherence Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland
618 Theoretical roots for the development of a 2-step adherence consultation for community pharmacies including electronic monitoring Adherence Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland
641 Process evaluation of the INTENSE study aimed at improving adherence to antidiabetic or antihypertensive medication in the Netherlands and UK: a mixed-methods study Adherence Amsterdam University Medical Center
579 Identifying patients at high risk for drug-related problems: preliminary results of the MediPORT-study Drug-related problems Institute of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology & Clinical Pharmacy, Paracelsus Medical University, Strubergasse 21, Salzburg, 5020, Austria
583 Quantifying problematic prescribing cascades Drug-related problems UMCG
584 Exploration of pediatric adverse drug reactions in Taiwan: illustrated by antibiotic- and anticonvulsant-associated liver injury Drug-related problems National Taiwan University
587 How medicines are playing out for patients in daily life - a qualitative analysis of drug related problems identified at the pharmacy counter Drug-related problems University of Groningen
593 Identifying possible drug-related hospital admissions in older patients: a comparison of two validated research tools Drug-related problems Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
621 Documentation of Drug-Related Problems in Danish hospital pharmacy Drug-related problems School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
625 Adverse effects associated with long-term anticholinergics exposure among older adults with intellectual disabilities: a longitudinal cohort study Drug-related problems School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and IDS-TILDA School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
632 Assessing the suitability of using the PCNE classification system to identify drug related problems in non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Drug-related problems University of Prishtina, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care
638 Potential harmful excipients in off-label drugs for pediatric patients: a matter of concern? Drug-related problems Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care Unit, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, and Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Barcelona
586 Pregnancy prevention while using oral retinoids: a questionnaire survey in Denmark Indicators and Guidelines University of Copenhagen
589 Development of quality indicators to measure quality of medication handling in municipalities Indicators and Guidelines Danish College of Pharmacy Practice - Pharmakon
585 Facilitating implementation of medication reviews in the community pharmacy setting: an application of the Implementation Research Logic Model Medication review Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland
595 The implementation of clinical medication reviews in community pharmacies within a multidisciplinary setting: a cross-sectional study.. Medication review Nivel, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
607 Medication review guidelines - Council of Europe’s contribution to promote rational and safe use of medicines in Europe Medication review Trinity College Dublin
609 Patients‘ expectations regarding the interprofessional medication management programme ARMIN Medication review Department of Medicine, ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Heidestr. 7, 10557 Berlin, Germany
611 Unpacking medication review interventions in community pharmacies and exploring their heterogeneity: A systematic review Medication review Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Cooperation Unit Clinical Pharmacy, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
612 Do drug-related problems detected within an interprofessional medication management programme result in changes in medication plans? Medication review Department of Medicine, ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Heidestr. 7, 10557 Berlin, Germany
613 The APIMedOlder web application for health professionals to manage potentially inappropriate medications prescriptions in older adults: a usability study Medication review Research Unit for Inland Development, Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (UDI-IPG)
590 Interprofessional Education and Collaboration between Pharmacy Technician Students and University College Copenhagen Students Other Pharmakon, Danish College of Pharmacy Practice
591 Challenges in medication safety experienced by employees and managers in Danish municipalities – a qualitative study Other Pharmakon, Danish College of Pharmacy Practice
598 Enhancing cultural competences in pharmacy students Other University of Copenhagen
608 Implementation of pharmaceutical care in daily practice in South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) member states Other Council of Europe - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM)
630 Urinary tract health in the male population in the Republic of Serbia - part II Other University of Nis, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacy, Niš, Serbia
631 Implementation of a re-prescription service in Danish community pharmacies: An electronic survey Other University of Southern Denmark
634 Identification of Resources and Problems of elderly, multimorbid Patients with the Life and Vitality Assessment Other Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Cooperation Unit Clinical Pharmacy, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
642 Teach the Teachers – Workplace based training in clinical pharmacy using patients as a learning resource Other Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Norway
580 Evaluation of impacts of a structured counseling approach on pharmacy students’ communication confidence and skills: A mixed-mode research Research in Pharmaceutical Care Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
581 Can community pharmacists be elderly patients' bridge to deprescribing? A cross- sectional study Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb, Croatia
592 Novel screening method to identify patients that benefit from the implementation of a pharmaceutical care intervention in the inpatient setting – a pilot study Research in Pharmaceutical Care Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Cooperation Unit Clinical Pharmacy, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
596 European cross-border ePrescription service: Estonian and Finnish pharmacists’ first experiences with pharmacist-patient interaction and safe use of medications Research in Pharmaceutical Care Estonian State Agency of Medicines
597 Annual medication consultation among direct-acting oral anticoagulant users in the pharmacy refill service: experiences of pharmacy staff and patients Research in Pharmaceutical Care Nivel
599 Translation and validation of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47) into Slovenian language Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Social Pharmacy
600 PCNE Classification for Drug-Related Problems V9.00 - a tool for better provision of pharmaceutical care services for patients with diabetes Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Social Pharmacy and Pharmacy Legislation, Belgrade, Serbia
601 Community pharmacists' stress: factors of influence - variation over time Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Social Pharmacy and Pharmacy Legislation, Belgrade, Serbia
603 Influence of vitamin K content in patients' diet on the effectiveness of anticoagulant treatment with acenocoumarol – a pilot study Research in Pharmaceutical Care Institute of Pharmaceutical Care, University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland
604 Characteristics and availability of medicines' early access programmes and donations in Slovenia Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy
605 How to tailor pharmacist-led interventions to the emergency department setting Research in Pharmaceutical Care Diakonhjemmet Hospital Pharmacy AS
606 Pilot study on feasibility of physician pharmacist practice groups in the french primary healthcare system Research in Pharmaceutical Care Economics Laboratory of Dijon
610 Assessing the appropriate use of proton pump inhibitors and possibility of their deprescribing in hospitalized adult medical patients Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Ljubljana, Faculty of pharmacy
615 Exploring analgesic prescribing and deprescribing practices in hospitalised patients with communication difficulties Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Prishtina
616 Genotyping Patients with Adverse Drug Reaction or Therapy Failure: Database Analysis of a PGx Case Series Study Research in Pharmaceutical Care Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, University of Basel
619 Medication discrepancies after a hospital stay in patients with multiple long term conditions Research in Pharmaceutical Care Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo
620 Assessing patients' behavior towards Package Information Leaflet (PIL) – a preliminary study Research in Pharmaceutical Care Faculty of Pharmacy Jagiellonian University Medical College, Department of Social Pharmacy
622 Views of German and Swiss pharmacists towards the dispense of biopharmaceutical medicines before and after the COVID-19 pandemic Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Basel, Pharmaceutical Care Research Group
623 Virtual learning before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study of Pharmacy students Research in Pharmaceutical Care School of Allied Health, M315 Pharmacy, University of Western Australia
624 Barriers and facilitators to implement a service for pharmacists prescribing in Switzerland Research in Pharmaceutical Care Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, University of Lausanne
626 Developing a healthcare service for patients experiencing late effects of cancer – a new role for community pharmacy? Research in Pharmaceutical Care Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - University of Copenhagen
627 Impact of collaborative practice between pharmacists and general practitioners as a key for medication mismanagement of elderly cardiovascular patients Research in Pharmaceutical Care Centre for Applied Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
628 Developing, organizing and running the School-Medicine-Theme Day – a community pharmacist activity. Research in Pharmaceutical Care Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - University of Copenhagen
633 A practical guide to the assessment and evaluation of content validity Research in Pharmaceutical Care The University of Sydney
635 Health outcomes of patient-centered medication review interventions. Preliminary results Research in Pharmaceutical Care Gerencia Territorial Catalunya Central. Institut Català de la Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya
640 Counselling first hand: Understanding the customer and yourself through mentalizing - promising results from evaluation of an education programme Research in Pharmaceutical Care University of Copenhagen Department of Pharmacy Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Denmark

Wednesday 8th February 2023 at 18:30 – 19:30

Session “Interprofessional & Clinical trials” (Chair: Prof. Ivana Tadic)

All presentations in one ZIP file


Implementation of pharmaceutical care in daily practice in South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) member states (608)

Silvia Ravera


Council of Europe - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM)


Developing a healthcare service for patients experiencing late effects of cancer – a new role for community pharmacy? (626)

Lotte Stig Nørgaard


Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - University of Copenhagen


Effect of an intake aid with reminder function on timing adherence to DOAC in stroke patients – a randomised cross-over trial (614)

Fine Dietrich


Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel


Health outcomes of patient-centered medication review interventions. (Preliminary results) (635)

Carol Rovira Algara (Spain)

Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care Unit. Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, and Physical Chemistry. University of Barcelona


Friday 10th February 2023 at 17:30 – 18:30h

All presentations of this session in one ZIP file

Session on “Issues with prescribing”  (Chair: Prof. Marina Odalovic)


European cross-border ePrescription service: Estonian and Finnish pharmacists’ first experiences with pharmacist-patient interaction and safe use of medications (596)

Reelika Jõgi


Estonian State Agency of Medicines, University of Tartu


Barriers and facilitators to implement a service for pharmacists prescribing in Switzerland (624)

Noelia Amador-Fernández


Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, University of Lausanne


Quantifying problematic prescribing cascades (583)

Jacqueline Hugtenburg


Amsterdam UMC, Dept. Clin. Pharmacology and Pharmacy


Can community pharmacists be elderly patients' bridge to deprescribing? A cross- sectional study (581)

Iva Bužančić


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb; City pharmacies Zagreb,
